Not usual to post this kind of articles but i believe is very useful specially for those people who are enthusiastic to get inside the web design world, as i am
there is outside a lot probably millions of this kind of hostings but not all of them are good as these on here, i had being try for very long time and many of them have tricky things to keep you inside and if you dont follow them they simply cancel your account,
if you know or have another more different of these here, just leave your comment at the end and let the rest of the people know and try
Here is a list of best free web hosting site which provide you hosting free of cost. If you have a blog on WordPress orBlogger can’t get any free hosting service then this article is for you. So, for many things these free web hosting sites might came in handy.
You must be knowing that if run a website you have to GET two things
- Domain Name: Which register your website name to the world wide web.
- Web Hosting: Web hosting means a computer which is shared by many users (if you don’t have a vps hosting), on which your website data will be stored and your website will be running at that PC.

these are some of the features you would get for free hosting
1. Unlimited Bandwidth
10 Gb Space
10 Mysql database
10 Sub Domains
10 Addon domains
100% free, no ads, no hidden cost web hosting.
C Panel with top web tools.
Easy installation of CMS such as wordpress and joomla.
Free image, video hosting as well.
Good technical support.
Unlimited addon domains.
Free Website Builder
2. Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Storage Space
Unlimited MySql Databases
Unlimited Domain names.
Unlimited Ftp Accounts.
Unlimited Email Address.
Free Unlimited Web Space which means you can host large website as well.
Free Domain Name Hosting.
No Advertising or Popups.
Reliable Service.
24/7 UK Based Customer Service.
Unlimited Disk Space
Automatic Script Installer
Unlimited MySql Databases
Unlimited FTP Account.
Free Account Activation.
3. Unlimited Webspace
Unlimited Bandwidth
Control Panel or “Cpanel”
Auto Script installer.
Unlimited email address.
Ip address deny manager.
2000 Mb Space
100 Gb Bandwidth
No Ads or Pop Ups
Php and MySql are provided
Site builder and Script Installer.

20 Gb Disk Space
150 Gb bandwidth
99.9% Uptime
Free cpanel and Sub domains.
5GB SSD Storage
Unlimited WordPress Sites
Unlimited Data Transfer
1GB Email & Free Global CDN
Lightning Fast & Strong Security
Preconfigured W3 Total Cache Plugin
Manage Your Database via phpMyAdmin
Upload & Download Files via SFTP
The easy to use control panel which you do not have to learn before start blogging.
5000MB Disk space
50000MB Data transfer (Monthly)
Unlimited Number of Accounts
FTP Access
Ads free WordPress Hosting
5 MySQL Databases
File Manager and more..
Free sub-domain names.
Lots of web templates
Easy to use control panel.


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