I had being trying so many methods and programs dedicated to make bootable usb from different operative systems, in some cases very frustrated because some of them asking for setting first the kind of installation you want, well that is history now since i found this particular one, think is the best til now, is acting like a real cd drive or install disc on your usb port, very smooth, fast and totally confidence.
Rufus is a small utility that helps format and create bootable USB flash drives, such as USB keys/pendrives, memory sticks, etc.
It can be especially useful for cases where:
you need to create USB installation media from bootable ISOs (Windows, Linux, EFI, etc.)
you need to work on a system that doesn't have an OS installed
you need to flash a BIOS or other firmware from DOS
you want to run a low-level utility
Despite its small size, Rufus provides everything you need!
Oh, and Rufus is fast. For instance it's about twice as fast as UNetbootin, Universal USB Installer or Windows 7 USB download tool, on the creation of a Windows 7 USB installation drive from an ISO (with honorable mention to WiNToBootic for managing to keep up). It is also marginally faster on the creation of Linux bootable USB from ISOs (1).
A non exhaustive list of Rufus supported ISOs is also provided at the bottom of this page (2).
Finally, please remember that once formatted, your drive is still usable as before to transfer data: it doesn't have to be dedicated for DOS or ISO installation only.

System Requirements
Windows XP or later, 32 or 64 bit doesn't matter.
If elevation is required, you will be prompted for it.
Download the executable and run it - no installation is necessary.
The executable is digitally signed and is produced in a 100% transparent manner, from its public source, using a MinGW32 environment.
The signature should state "Akeo Consulting" (1.3.0 or later) or "Pete Batard - Open Source Developer" (1.2.0 or earlier).
ISO Support
The current version of Rufus allows the creation of a bootable USB from an ISO image (.iso). In a future version, we may add the ability to read files directly from a CD/DVD drive or from a folder...
Creating an ISO image from a physical disc or from a set of files is very easy to do however, through the use of a CD burning application, such as the freely available CDBurnerXP.

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