Whatever phone you have means samsung, lg, sonyj htc, huawei, lenovo, etc etc etc this is the original "ROM" from xiaomi that you can adapt to your old fashioned phone or even new ones, this is not a customize application wich is running under android operative system, this is the very first start of your phone whenever you power on and start to loading the system, means ROM.

You would never have any issues about the customized skin gone sudently like happend with any other application like that, this is the program who make your phone run like an original xiaomi phone with a beautiful interface and a lot of customization

As far you have a phone based on snapdragon chip, you can use this at a 100% without any worries, just check very well first the model of your phone and compatibility with this ROM Based sofware, some peoples has try with MTK processors phones and there is also son adaptation for it, bus is not well guarantee you would get the same results as snapdragons chip based phones.
Good luck.


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