Nemetschek Vectorworks is the computer-aided design (CAD) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) software solution provider, its programs can help designers to easily, accurately and efficiently capture, develop and communicate their ideas. Nemetschek Vectorworks is pleased to announce the launch of its award-winning Vectorworks® series design software series 2014 version, this version includes Vectorworks Designer (Designer Kit), Architect (architecture version), Landmark (landscape version), Spotlight (light version ), Fundamentals (basic version) and Renderworks® (rendering module).
"In version 2014 Vectorworks software, we focus on the customer's workflow." Nemetschek Vectorworks CTO Dr. Biplab Sarkar said: 'We have been listening to customer feedback.' "The theme of the release can be summarized as This version has two innovations I was most excited, a new interactive visualization tool can be quickly rendered, and the other is a new patent-pending X-ray selection techniques. "

Version 2014 Vectorworks design software has more than 130 improvements, including for modeling, BIM management, mutual operability, optimization of all aspects of availability, performance and quality. Version 2014 product line also configured specifically for architects new BIM tool for landscape architects and designers to increase the site design features for entertainment designers enhanced the lighting equipment, performance documentation, graphical controls.
The following list is a Vectorworks 2014 software for professional designers to provide functionality, for example:
Enhanced 3D modeling capabilities : Vectorworks has added several key improvements in its powerful 3D modeling capabilities. Built-in industry-leading modeling kernel Parasolid®, version 2014 can easily switch and rotate three-dimensional plan view showing the state / plan between designers provide consistent rendering 3D navigation; enhanced visualization roaming capabilities to enable roaming in OpenGL than ever ever faster; new twist and taper tools that enable users to distort the entire entity, solid surfaces, NURBS surfaces, may not need the effort to add three-dimensional object on the surface taper. In addition, the patent-pending 3D X-ray Select (three-dimensional X-ray selection) new feature allows users to temporarily perspective entity objects in the area around the cursor.

Better BIM tools : space, stairs, windows, doors and roofs objects are made improvements for customers' needs, including performance enhancements. Such as creating and modifying space, hidden line rendering, OpenGL rendering workflow and the ability to create and interact with a cross-sectional profile editing cubic viewport in. Automatic mixing object that provides users an easy way to put an arbitrary three-dimensional geometry is converted to a mixed BIM objects that contain three-dimensional geometry and two-dimensional plan of the 2014 version has been improved performance and display on the further optimization of the selection, editing and file size.
The new site design features : Vectorworks 2014 The new site design features specifically for landscape architects and designers have designed, including enhanced plant shadows, making it faster and easier to create shadows have interactive floor plan presentation level. In addition, improved body block model allows site designers can add one by one, and each stratum report for a particular purpose building body mass model, and there is a new option to suppress position adjustment based on geo-referenced data.
Improved Interoperability : Vectorworks Architect product has been buildingSMART headquarters in June 2013 for its export certification BIM IFC data exchange standards IFC 2 × 3 Coordination View 2.0 (collaborative view) functions. Since then, Vectorworks the IFC feature continuous improvement, including adding a new IFC worksheet functions, support regional and IFCXML IFC import / export support. In addition, users can now directly referring to the two-dimensional and three-dimensional DWG / DXF or DWF file in Vectorworks project team collaboration and simplify workflow. Also, this version of the complex line styles, color naming, DXF / DWG / DWF text objects mapped fonts, and ODBC support in SQLite has better support.

Usability Improvements : There are several usability improvements that designers hope. For example there is a "release" command, is a one-stop export and print functionality construction drawings. There is also support for crop bitmaps, improve visibility, remodeling and size tools, and improved tone icon objects. There are also based on a plane "Select similar" tool in the "mirror" tool in Preview, make font preview in the "Text Format" dialog, and "simplified polygon" command.
Enhanced rendering : Our integrated rendering applications Renderworks has a new displacement mapping option that can provide realistic rendering capabilities grass, carpet, water, bricks or stones such objects, more support for additional image colored bricks. In addition, we also developed a module named Vectorworks fast interactive graphics rendering visualization engine. The rendering engine is a modular system that can give the entire product line offers a modern visualization infrastructure. It supports non-blocking object selection and capture, so that designers can work in rendering mode. There are patent pending X-ray selection techniques, allowing designers to work with when needed occluded objects.
Increased compatibility : Vectorworks 2014 is fully compatible with OSX Mavericks, and provide Python3 programming environment, coupled with tens of thousands of libraries, to efficiently develop scripts. This modern and popular scripting languages around the world, including students, academics and professionals, including a large user base. Now, Vectorworks script developers can create documents, as well as an external plug-in parameter objects, tools and commands.

Cloud services and mobile solutions : exciting but also includes brewing, and for Vectorworks cloud services and mobile solutions designed new features. In the near future, Vectorworks Cloud Services will be compatible with leading storage solutions, and called Vectorworks Nomad ("Nomad") mobile applications will also better support user interaction measurements. In addition, the Vectorworks cloud services will also support Vectorworks 2014, and in Vectorworks Nomad will also support iOS7.
For more information about the Vectorworks 2014, please visit http://www.vectorworks.net/2014 .
"Vectorworks Service Select" annual fee service customers can download the English version of Vectorworks 2014 September 17, 2013. English version on September 23, 2013 beginning days, marking the beginning of our version of the 2014 global distribution. We plan in the fourth quarter of this year and the first quarter of 2014 continue to release localized language versions.
About Nemetschek Vectorworks company
as a wholly owned subsidiary of Nemetschek Group, Nemetschek Vectorworks company since 1985 has always been focused on software development. Vectorworks software developed its product line for AEC, entertainment and landscape design in the field of more than 450,000 designers provides professional design solutions. Nemetschek Vectorworks always been committed to the development of flexible, versatile, intuitive and reasonably priced computer-aided design (CAD) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) solutions. The company in the field of three-dimensional design technology remains a global leader. For more information, please visit http://www.vectorworks.net .
Vectorworks 2014 (MacOsx) with Goodies | 7.0 Gb
Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc., a leading developer of CAD and Building Information Modeling (BIM) software, releases 2014 version of its award-winning Vectorworks series of design software which include Vectorworks Designer, Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, Fundamentals and Renderworks.
The newly launched software contains huge advancements like an intuitive new visualization engine having the capabilities for quick interactive rendering and a new, patent pending X-ray Select technology. There will be more than 130 advancements which provide superior modeling, BIM Management, interoperability, application , performance, and quality.
Other significant enhancements are improved 3d modeling, more superior BIM tools, new site design aptitudes useful for landscape architects and designers, better interoperability, powerful rendering capabilities, improved comparability, improved lighting mechanisms, documentation & graphic controls ideal for entertainment designers availability of cloud Services and Mobile Solutions.
What's New in Vectorworks 2014: Vectorworks-2014-Whats-New-brochure.pdf
About Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc .
Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc., is a wholly owned subsidiary of European software giant the Nemetschek Group. A global leader in design technologies, Nemetschek Vectorworks has been developing computer-aided design (CAD) software for the architecture, engineering, construction, entertainment, and landscape design industries since 1985. The Vectorworks product line is one of the world's best-selling cross-platform CAD applications and has won many industry awards. The Nemetschek Vectorworks family of software includes Vectorworks Designer, Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, Fundamentals, and Renderworks .
Name: Vectorworks Version: 2014 with Goodies Home: www.vectorworks.net Interface: English OS: MacOSx 10.6.8 or later Size: 7.0 Gb

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