since xbmc appear, almost 10 years ago, this is more entertain and easy to do in just one place with just one program
the comunity has grow a lot and now you can have a lot of resources to customize or update your player for almost everything

there is on the market a lot of "HD MEDIA PLAYER" dedicated such as popcorn, xtream, himedia, egreat, med8er and so many others but most or all of them dont let you see full information as xbmc do on the very easiest way, can also work with a remote control too to command from your sofa or your bed. this function can also work with your iphone, android, with a free app installed

i believe everyones or most of us have at least and old pc we dont use anymore such a pentium 4 little less or more, well. this is the time to make your old machine work like the latest media player on the market. just try you'll not lose anything you'll win a lot.
can also work with all systems (mac, pc, linux, ios, android, apple tv and the latest raspberry pi, (if you really want to go for a high quality cheap player)
can also work with all systems (mac, pc, linux, ios, android, apple tv and the latest raspberry pi, (if you really want to go for a high quality cheap player)

ADDITIONALS SKINS, PLUGGINS AND REPOSITORY (hulu channel, youtube, adult channels, movies online, radio online, etc etc. etc)
1. http://limelinx.com/cnzjs (pluggins 01)
2. http://limelinx.com/fiu84 (pluggins 02)
please report any dead link or ask for help if you cannot install the pluggins or so
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